- Medical Services
- Family Medicine and Primary Medical Care
- Gynecology, Women's Wellness, Menopause
- Integrative Medicine Consults for Men, Women & Children
- Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Headache Specialty Care
- Nutrition & Weight Loss Consults
- Compounding Pharmacist Consults
- Pain Management
Gynecology, Women’s Wellness, Menopause
Gynecologic services
Dr. Karen Clark provides a wide range of nonsurgical options for management of a variety of gynecologic problems. Conditions that may be managed without surgery include irregular menstrual periods, abnormally heavy menstrual periods, pelvic pain, ovarian cysts, fibroids, and abnormal Pap smears. In the event that all reasonable nonsurgical options have been exhausted and surgery is ultimately required, Dr. Clark works with a number of excellent physicians in the Triangle area to ensure that her patients receive the best surgical care available for their particular condition.
Achieving a state of good health and maintaining it is an active and ongoing process. An important part of being well involves periodic screening for health risk factors. Accordingly, Dr. Clark offers annual health maintenance visits at which risk factors can be reviewed and discussed; any nongynecologic health conditions needing further assessment or treatment are then referred to appropriate primary care or specialist physicians. Counseling is provided at these visits to address issues such as birth control, healthy weight, physical activity, tobacco use, and sexual functioning. Screening for sexually transmitted infections is available during the performance of the physical examination and Pap smear. In addition, laboratory screening is offered in order to diagnose risk factors (elevated cholesterol, glucose) that may not be suspected by reviewing an individual’s medical and personal history. Referrals for other appropriate screening procedures, such as mammography and bone densitometry, are made at the time of the annual health maintenance visit.
Every woman has her own unique experience with the menopausal transition. There are many different ways of coping with the numerous and constantly changing symptoms of this transition. These methods include hormonal as well as alternative nonhormonal treatments. Dr. Clark has had a great deal of experience in helping women navigate this phase of life, and assists each of her perimenopausal and menopausal patients with sorting through the options available and creating a personalized care plan. She is experienced in prescribing bio-identical hormone therapy as well as conventional hormone therapy. She is a member of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), and will be credentialed this spring as a NAMS Menopause Practitioner.
Many couples experience difficulty in conceiving a pregnancy. Dr. Clark’s fellowship training in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Duke University enables her to evaluate, counsel, and treat most cases of infertility. Ovulation induction, if medically indicated, is provided using clomiphene citrate (Clomid). Intrauterine insemination is also offered in her practice. In the event that additional consultation is needed, Dr. Clark refers her patients to the infertility clinic best suited to their particular needs.
Dr. Clark does not provide obstetrical services or prenatal care.
Biographical Profile: Dr. Karen Clark
Dr. Clark is a gynecologist with many years of experience in Chapel Hill and Durham. She offers routine office gynecologic services, and has a special interest in women’s wellness, reproductive endocrinology, and menopause. She is a strong advocate of providing patients with comprehensive information on which to base their medical decisions, and enjoys partnering with each patient to achieve an individualized care plan. She has worked with local integrative medicine providers as well as local compounding pharmacists in creating comprehensive care plans for her patients gynecologic needs.
She graduated from the University of Alabama School of Medicine, and subsequently completed her obstetrics and gynecology residency at the University of Florida College of Medicine. Subsequent to that, she served a Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility fellowship at Duke University. She is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology. She also has a Master of Healthcare Administration degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.