- Medical Services
- Family Medicine and Primary Medical Care
- Gynecology, Women's Wellness, Menopause
- Integrative Medicine Consults for Men, Women & Children
- Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Headache Specialty Care
- Nutrition & Weight Loss Consults
- Compounding Pharmacist Consults
- Routine Medical Tests
Integrative Medicine Consults for Men, Women & Children
What is an Integrative Medicine Consultation?
An Integrative medicine consultation with Remy Coeytaux, MD, PhD is a 30- or 60-minute medical visit with a certified family physician and researcher committed to listening to your medical concerns and goals, and helping you better understand your health care options, both traditional and complementary. He will answer your questions and educate you on the validity and potential efficacy of various traditional medical treatments and complementary and alternative treatments. He will talk to specialists on your behalf if need be. He will guide you in your care, helping you find the treatments for your acute or chronic condition, or for your quest to sustain optimal health as you age.
Dr. Coeytaux accepts BlueCross/Blue Shield and Medicare. Patients covered by other insurance plans must pay in full at time of service, but Dr. Coeytaux’s billing company will file your insurance claim on your behalf for direct reimbursement to you.
Biographical Profile: Dr. Remy Coeytaux
Dr. Coeytaux received his MD from Stanford Medical School, his PhD in Epidemiology from UNC School of Public Health, and his BA from Brown University. He is a former Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar and was on the faculty at UNC School of Medicine in the Department of Family Medicine from 2001-2008. He founded the UNC Family Medicine Center Acupuncture Clinic, and he is a founding member of Integrative Health Center of Chapel Hill. Dr. Coeytaux helps his patients identify and prioritize their health needs and make the best possible decisions about their care. As a former Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar and PhD-level clinical scientist, he understands the importance (and limitations) of scientific evidence. As a medical acupuncturist and founder of the UNC Family Medicine Center Acupuncture Clinic, he appreciates the value of incorporating complementary therapies into conventional medical care when appropriate. As a founder of the Integrative Health Center of Chapel Hill, he has a good working relationship with many different healthcare practitioners in the Research Triangle area. As Medical Director of Chapel Hill Integrative Medicine Associates, he is a very strong proponent of affordable health care with a goal of making integrative medicine affordable and accessible.