55 Vilcom Center, Suite 110, Chapel Hill, NC 27514


Ayurveda, the complete medical system from India, has been recently popularized by Deepak Chopra M.D. Ayurveda is a 5,000-year old scientific tradition. This robust system does not separate the mind, body and spirit. Healing instructions include caring for the physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual selves. Gently, the self-care recommendations guide the patient towards controlling the direction of his/her health.

The “growth path” contends that self-care directs the healing process. Ayurveda teaches that the mind/spirit can direct the path of our health on all levels. The means to facilitate this “growth path” include diet, herbal preparations, exercise, breathing techniques, daily routines/habits/hygiene, counseling, yoga, meditation, and attention to attitudes and actions. Occasionally, a gentle detoxification performed by specialists, called Panchakarma, is suggested. The ultimate goal is for the patient to possess ongoing control of the condition(s).

Lynnea Villanova, M.D. offers this modality as part of her medical practice at the Center. Dr. Villanova combines allopathy, acupuncture and ayurveda, three diverse, yet complementary, approaches to treat her patients. In-depth consultations result in treatment aimed at the elimination or on-going management of a condition. While the gentle methods employed require longer treatments times than many Allopathic approaches, they are highly beneficial for those prepared to undertake significant changes to improve health. The recommendations may include acupuncture, individualized diet and life-style modifications, counseling and/or Western medications. As compliance is necessary for effectiveness, there is much supportive counseling along the way. Starting with the premiss that physical, emotional, intellectual (and spiritual) realms all require attention in order to start the healing, the approach should be viewed as a journey, albeit a rewarding one. Recommendations are added serially over longitudinal visits with new elements added when appropriate. Ultimately each patient develops a skill set for maintaining the health improvements.


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