Online Services
For the convenience of and assistance to our clients, Integrative Health Center has added Medfusion to our patient services. Through Medfusion, you can:
Ask a Doctor - If you have any questions, instead of calling, submit questions to your provider through our secure online portal’s “Ask a Doctor” feature. You will receive an answer within 3 business days. The information you submit to us is secure and confidential.
Personal Health Records – Now with “Personal Health Records”, you can keep track of your doctor’s visits, health vitals, health history, and more! Once you store your personal health records in Medfusion, you may submit this new information to us through the secure online portal so that our records may be updated with the same information. This ensures a continuity of care.
Patient Messaging – With the secure online portal, your provider at Integrative Health Center of Chapel Hill can send you secure messages regarding your lab results or other information. You can review all messages through the “My Messages” area of our online portal.
To get started with Medfusion, click here and register.
Please note: Registration in Medfusion is completely separate from the user ID and registration you may have already completed in order to use MindBody, our online appointment system.
After you’ve set up your Medfusion account, just click the Medfusion logo below to access Medfusion at any time.