Massage Therapists
Elizabeth Branch, LMBT #269
Elizabeth Branch is a North Carolina licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist with ten years’ experience. The focused intention of her work is to support and cultivate the innate health inherent in each person. Her work is a synergistic blend of therapeutic touch, stretching, movement, food awareness and thought and speech awareness. A session with Elizabeth can range from a relaxing Swedish massage or a deeply penetrating Hot Stone massage all the way to the focus on affirmation as a vehicle to transform one’s experience in the world. Often, a single session is a beautiful tapestry woven of these varied threads.
Swedish Massage. Supports stress reduction, muscle relaxation, circulation and increased sense of well-being.
Myofascial Massage. A deeper, more specific massage to help release muscle holding and relieve discomfort.
Trigger Point Therapy. Specific bodywork to release muscle holding patterns contributing to muscle pain and restrictions.
Polarity Therapy. A comprehensive work addressing the human energy field and the human experience. This work can include movement, food awareness and thought and speech awareness in addition to table work.
Norma Ferrell, LMBT#3496
Norma Ferrell is certified in Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), Reiki ,and massage therapy. She is trained to work with people living with cancer. Norma has been practicing bodywork for 6 years, with 2 years’ experience at St. Joseph’s/Candler Hospital Integrative Medicine Dept. in Savannah, GA. She received her massage training at Medical Arts Massage School in Raleigh, NC and certification for MLD from Vodder-North America. She offers MLD, Cancer Care Massage, Massage for Mastectomy and other Breast Surgeries, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reiki, and Chakra Balancing.
Swedish Massage. Relieves stress, relaxes muscle tissue and improves blood and lymph circulation.
Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD). A safe, effective, gentle hands-on approach to cleansing the body’s tissues. MLD drains excess fluid from the tissues and has a detoxifying effect.
Reiki. An ancient and effective form of healing which is applied with the hands. Reiki works on the mind, body, emotions, and spirit, instilling peacefulness and vitality.