55 Vilcom Center, Suite 110, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Physical Therapist

Jeffrey Lubbers, PT

Jeff focuses on the postural aspects of neuromuscular and skeletal control to achieve structural balance in the body; he utilizes two different active exercise approaches, and one passive light hands-on system. These approaches are combined with modalities and simple energetic techniques.

Jeff Lubbers graduated from Duke University in 1976 with a Masters in Physical Therapy. He has worked in hospital settings for 25 years, in long term care facilities and home care, a pain clinic and in multiple outpatient clinics. He believes that the best results happen by considering the entire person on physical, energietic, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

Fee structure: Brief evaluation $65.00 (30 min)
Full evaluation with treatment $ 135.00 (60 min)
Insurance: In net-work for BC/BS, Medcost, Medicare, and Tricare


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